mercredi 12 mars 2008

Bienvenue aux lecteurs du Vankleek Hill Review

Bird photos d'oiseaux: (click on the bird's name to see its photo)

These are the birds mentionned in the March 12 "Birding close to home" column:

Cedar Waxwing (Jaseur d'Amérique) /Merlin (Faucon émerillon)

Bald Eagle (Pygargue à tête blanche)

Red-bellied woodpecker (Pic à ventre roux)

Eastern Screech Owl (Petit-duc maculé)

Cooper's Hawk (Épervier de Cooper)

Sharp-shinned Hawk (Épervier brun) / Common Redpoll (Sizerin flammé)

Snow Bunting (Bruant des neiges)

Wild Turkey (Dindon sauvage)

Snowy Owl (Harfang des neiges) I

Snowy Owl (Harfang des neiges) II

If your French is rusty but would like to read the content of the blog, do the following to have the blog's French text instantly translated into English: go to Google and insert the title of this blog (Les oiseaux de...) as the search item and click search; the title of the blog will appear as a result of the search and the word translate will also appear. Click on translate and in a matter of moments the whole blog will be available to you in English. Your comments on the "Birding close to home" column and this blog are welcome.

Les lecteurs de ma nouvelle chronique "Birding close to home" dans l'hebdomadaire du Vankleek Hill Review ont été invités à visiter le blogue.

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