jeudi 8 octobre 2015

Votons pour les oiseaux et demande d'aide pour trouver des espèces manquantes...

Conservation de la Nation Sud (CNS) a fait une demande de fonds à Aviva et a besoin de nous pour voter en faveur de leur projet.

Je viens tout juste de voter.  Il me reste 18 votes.  On peut voter une fois par jour.

Vous pouvez voter ici et en apprendre plus sur le projet d'Aviva: 

(si ce lien ne fonctionne pas svp faire une recherche Google ou bien copiez et collez)

Voici de l'information en anglais sur le projet de CNS (utilisez le logiciel Google Translate en haut à droite pour traduire l'information en français).

''If we are successful with the application, all material produced with be made available in English and French.'' Jim Hendry. CNS.

Si vous votez et avez pris connaissance du projet ici svp m'en faire part svp à Merci!

L'idée en bref

Our feathered friends
From the cheerful Chickadee, to the majestic Osprey, to rare Bobolinks, protecting and enhancing our natural areas will keep Eastern Ontario’s bird population strong. Our forests, grasslands, and shorelines provide shelter and food for more than one hundred species of birds; including several Species at Risk (like the Bobolink and Loggerhead Shrike). But habitat is declining and action is needed to help our feathered friends!
Your Partner in Conservation
South Nation Conservation (SNC) is one of 36 Conservation Authorities across the Province that works with our member municipalities and residents to protect and improve our natural resources. SNC’s jurisdiction encompasses over 4,300 square kilometres of Eastern Ontario; we own over 12,000 acres of land, offering endless opportunities to improve habitat for our resident and visiting bird populations. We need your support to make our projects a reality!
Understanding current habitat conditions and identifying priority areas for improvement are critical first steps in achieving our goal. SNC will work with our dedicated volunteers to gather vital data on our local streams and critical terrestrial habitat which support our avian populations.  Some of the most popular birding areas in SNC’s jurisdiction lack the critical monitoring data needed to support sound decision making for habitat protection.
Once priority areas are identified, SNC will work with residents, local birding groups and outdoor enthusiasts to improve habitat through installation of bird boxes and shoreline and terrestrial habitat enhancements; such as planting buffers to improve and increase bird nesting and feeding opportunities. The Great Blue Heron thrives in well vegetated streams and ponds.
Fostering Bird Enthusiasts
One of the best ways to protect bird habitat is to encourage activities such as birding that build a lifelong appreciation for nature. SNC will work with our local birding clubs and other groups to organize and host bird watching outings and workshops. SNC will also create an “All About Birds” adventure kit that can be presented or loaned out to schools, libraries, and youth groups to get future ‘Birders’ started. SNC currently offers adventure kits on turtles, bugs, trees, and wetlands; our staff engage thousands of kids each year and provide hands-on education to our youth.
SNC maintains an interactive online map called the SNC Public Geoportal, information on birding locations and habitat improvement initiatives will be added to Geoportal to better inform residents and visitors on birding opportunities and how they can get involved.
Aviva funding will also support creation of viewing platforms in prime birding locations and trail improvements to viewing sites within our properties. Although SNC’s properties are open to the public, not everyone can easily access these sites; many miss out on opportunities to enjoy activities like bird watching. The improved access will help all birders safely enjoy their birding experience. SNC will also create two new ‘remote’ viewing sites that will be accessible from the South Nation River. These remote sites will provide opportunities to view shoreline birds and waterfowl in an area undisturbed by road traffic. These sites will come with the added bonus of a scenic paddle and picnic lunch with family and friends.
SVP m'aider à trouver un Petit-duc maculé dans notre cercle de miroise en 2015. Être capable d'en voir un serait beau mais simplement l'entendre serait suffisant.
À ce temps-ci, il passe ses journées dans sa cavité (arbre ou nichoir) et souvent regarde dehors comme dans la photo ici-bas:

Un Petit-duc maculé (Eastern Screech-Owl) photographié ce printemps mais en dehors du cercle de miroise.

Voir la carte des limites du cercle de miroise (50 km Birding Circle) ici:

Voici les autres espèces possibles dont j'ai de besoin en 2015:
Grèbe esclavon (Horned Grebe), Harelde kakawi (Long-tailed Duck) et Macreuse noire (Black Scoter),
Les 6 espèces de Strigidés suivants me manquent aussi: Petit-duc maculé (Eastern Screech-Owl), Chouette lapone (Great Gray Owl), Chouette épervière (Northern Hawk Owl), Petite Nyctale (Northern Saw-Whet Owl), Hibou moyen-duc (Long-eared Owl) et  Hibou des marais (Short-eared Owl),

Le Bec-croisé bifascié, le Bec-croisé des sapins (White-winged and Red Crossbill) et le Durbec des sapins Pine Grosbeak) dont je n'ai pas vu en 2015 pourraient apparaître en très petits nombres localement cet automne et hiver d'après le plus récent Winter Finch Forecast qu'on peut trouver ici:

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